Monday, January 26, 2009
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Baby arobics with Zachary. . . lol
Zachary was entertaining himself, for quite a bit the other night.
So I decided to record him.
The video came out dark. (sorry)
But it wasn't like that when I was recording. :(
Friday, October 31, 2008

When I look into those big brown eyes,
it makes me want to kiss that BIG smile.
Your my baby boy, my love and my Joy.
Growing so fast, my, oh my, where has the time past?
From sitting up, to crawling than walking...
Now all the sudden I hear you talking!
Your my baby boy, my love and my Joy.
As mommy does the laundry, you are right there, in the mist of destroying what I am making nice and clean!
As mommy does the dishes, you are right there pulling off mommas shorts because you want me to hold you.
But you are STILL my baby boy, my love and my Joy.
You LOVE it when we go for walks, as mommy enjoys all of our "talks".
The grass is your favorite spot to play, where I Love to watch you....on a warm sunny day.
You are my baby boy, my love and my Joy.
Your smile melts my heart. Zachary, you are a Beautiful piece of art.
For you are my Beautiful baby boy, my love AND my Joy.
Mommy loves you baby~
Friday, September 26, 2008
PeAcEfUl ReSt *
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Screaming in my ear, I'm walking away, as my son follows me around the house naked and crying! I don't know what to do.
I'm sorry son, that I can't do anything for you.
You are not hungry, just fed. You are on your VERY LAST diaper, but its fresh! Its barely 3 in the afternoon. What am I going to do later for you! I wish you were potty trained! WAIT! I smell something!!!!! THERE GOES THE LAST DIAPER!
Mommy is stressing out today, more than likely over nothing.
I am sorry mommy is not in a good mood, she just needs to get away from everyone right now.
I just cleaned this house yesterday, how it got messy?!?!?!? Do you know God?
This NON-stop job of motherhood, is just Crazy!
There are Lots, and Lots, of GREAT things about it, but when you don't get away, to breathe and just go do whatever ALONE w/out baby...(or daddy) it gets frustrating, and I feel like I am about to LOSE it!
How can ONE child make ya go nutz, when he is NOT doing anything to drive ya nutz!
Why am I stressing God, Its just another day in my new life, as a mother.
Please, Give me your hands, as I can't seem to use mine today.
Give me your arms, as mine are having problems giving love to my son.
Breathe in me your air, as I can't breathe in this clutter of Stress.
Give me your strength to walk and play with my son, as mine just want to lay and mope around.
And most importantly, renew my mind today, wake me up and give me joy, start my engine over fresh and ready to take in today's worries and stress.
Help me put my trust in you that everything will be alright, you are in control.
Thank you Jesus, for your support in my life, for never letting me go, and lifting me up when I cant stand anymore.
Now.....about THAT DIAPER!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
You were there
My heart was broken, and you were there.
I needed help, and you were there.
How did you know that I needed you? I was crying so loud that I couldn't hear your saving bell.
Now im quiet, listening to the sound of your silent voice,
trying to understand why the angels rejoice.
I don't fully comprehend, of All the love to me you send. Why me did you choose to die for? When I have done nothing for you lord.
I deserve nothing at all, but to sit in a corner and bawl.
To think of what i've done, so shamful, I want to run.
Sometimes when I stand in awe, something goes through me and says "Stop what your doing! Your doing it all wrong."
I get so confused at times, that my heart feels like a tied up chime. At times I am so blind, that I fall off the thick fence line.
And even still...I don't know what side im on.
The condition of my heart is lost for sure,
I just pray that my heart can be mixed in, with the love you stir.Written: A long time AGO! :)
First, for the way we became friends, and how we thought it had no ends.
Second, for the way I ran, because I thought you would be there...you said you can.
Third, for everytime we never spoke, I tried to talk, than I'de start to choke.
On every memory we had of fun, I tried to feel that agian, but everything inside, had just gone numb.
Sorry for the times I spent thinking of you, wishing we were friends agian, when I had plenty other things to do.
Why does friendships end like this, feeling alone...full of emptiness?
Written: A long time AGO! :)